API & Webhook


The API requests are authenticated using a Bearer token in the Authorization Header. You can get the token from an application in your account (learn more).

Code Generation

To get a verification code from WhatAuth API you need to make an HTTPS request providing the API key for authorization and some parameters for customization.

cURL Sample

The following cURL command you can try from your terminal

    curl -G \
    --location 'https://whatsauth.me/api/v1/verification_code' \
    --data-urlencode 'callback_url=https://mycompany.io/webhook/whatsauth' \
    --data-urlencode 'expires_at=10' \
    --data-urlencode 'link_message=Send this message to verify your phone in MyCompany' \
    --data-urlencode 'expiration_message=Sorry, this code is expired' \
    --data-urlencode 'failure_message=Oops! someting went wrong, please try again.' \
    --data-urlencode 'response_message=Welcome! you just verified your phone as easy as it could be.' \
    --header 'Authorization: Bearer MY_APIKEY'


Parameter Type Description
expires_at integer The number of minutes the verification code expires in. The minimum value is 1 minute.
callback_url string The webhook URL will receive verification status. Must implement with HTTPS POST method.
authorized_numbers string The list of phone numbers that are allowed to validate generated code. By default any phone number is authorized.
link_message string The message appears on the client’s screen as a part of the message code above-generated code.
expiration_message string The message is sent to the client with intent to validate the expired code.
failure_message string The message is sent to the client when there is a failure in sending verification status via provided webhook.
response_message string The Message is sent to the client as a notification of a successful validation.
qr 0 or 1 Set this parameter to 1 in case you want to receive QR code URL in response.
channel string The default channel is WhatsApp. You can specify “sms” if you want to receive a link that triggers an SMS validation code.

The default channel is WhatsApp. You can specify “sms” if you want to receive a link that triggers an SMS validation code.

You can also specify default values for each parameter at the application level and skip those in the request. If you set a parameter in your request it will override the one set as default.

Customization Elements

The following examples illustrate which are the expression of the parameters

Verification success message

Expiration message

Failure message


If the request is properly formed and authenticated you’ll receive a response with a JSON like this:

        "code": "322c9a59dd",
        "link": "https://wa.me/+56943426553?text=%3E%3E322c9a59dd%3C%3C%0AJust%20tap%20the%20%22send%22%20button.",
        "qr": "https://api.qrserver.com/v1/create-qr-code/?data=https%3A%2F%2Fwa.me%2F%2B56943426553%3Ftext%3D%253E%253E322c9a59dd%253C%253C%250AJust%2520tap%2520the%2520%2522send%2522%2520button.&size=200x200",
        "deep_link": "whatsapp://send?text=%3E%3E322c9a59dd%3C%3C%0AJust%20tap%20the%20%22send%22%20button.&phone=+56943426553"
Parameter Type Description
code string Generated unique verification code.
link string The link that takes you to WhatsApp web or mobile application with a predefined message.
qr string URL of the generated QR code image for the WhatsApp link. When requested.
deep_link string The deep link that takes you to WhatsApp application with a predefined message.


In order to receive the updated status of the verification process you will need to implement the webhook which is a URL under HTTPS protocol and POST method. There you will receive the following information in JSON format:

       "id": "123e4567-e89b-12d3-a456-426614174000",
       "status": "validated",
       "verification_code": "9f76681bd4",
       "phone_number": "+56911111111",
       "profile_name": "Some Folk",
       "expires_at": "2021-01-27T01:17:13.674Z",
       "requested_at": "2021-01-26T23:17:13.674Z",
       "validated_at": "2021-01-26T23:23:17.28Z",
       "authorized_numbers": [],
       "error": null

From here you can obtain the data required to follow up your business process.

Attribute name Type Description
id UUID Verification id.
status String Status of verification code. Possible values: “requested”, “validated”, “expired”, “failed”.
verification_code String Unique verification code associated with the process.
phone_number String Mobile phone number which validated the code.
profile_name String Whatsapp profile name of the person validated the code.
requested_at ISO 8601 String Time when verification code was requested.
validated_at ISO 8601 String Time when verification code was validated by the client.
expires_at ISO 8601 String Time when verification code expires.
authorized_numbers String Array Phone numbers authorized to validate the code.
error String Error message in case of validation failure.

The webhook request expects to have a response 200 or 204 status and Content-type application/json, otherwise, it will mark the validation as a failure.